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Английский язык ДВГУ Тест 11: вопросы 201-220

Тест по предмету Английский язык для учащихся ДВГУ на тему Тест 11: вопросы 201-220. Ничем не ограниченный срок и количество попыток прохождения теста. Полная статистика попыток и расшифровка результатов в личном кабинете. Правильные ответы на вопросы.

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ВУЗ:Дальневосточный Государственный Университет
Раздел: Английский язык
Английский язык ДВГУ Тест 11: вопросы 201-220 (20 вопросов)

Ответы на вопросы по Английскому языку (Тест 11: вопросы 201-220)

Тест 11: вопросы 201-220
1.Вставьте пропущенные местоимения: - John, where is your dictionary?
- (...) is on the bookshelf, and where is(...)?
- I have left mine at the University. узнать ПРАВИЛЬНЫЙ ответ | добавить объяснение
2.Вставьте пропущенные местоимения: - John, where is your dictionary?
- (...) is on the bookshelf, and where is(...)?
- I have left mine at the University. узнать ПРАВИЛЬНЫЙ ответ | добавить объяснение
3.Вставьте пропущенные местоимения: - John, where is your dictionary?
- It is on the bookshelf, and where is yours?
- (...) have left(...) at the University. узнать ПРАВИЛЬНЫЙ ответ | добавить объяснение
4.Вставьте пропущенные местоимения: - John, where is your dictionary?
- It is on the bookshelf, and where is yours?
- (...) have left(...) at the University. узнать ПРАВИЛЬНЫЙ ответ | добавить объяснение
5.Вставьте пропущенные местоимения: '(...) am asking you frankly: do (...) think he did it?' Thomas Royde waited for a minute before(...) answered. 'I don't see why you ask me. It's not my business. It's yours. I should say myself - very unlikely.' узнать ПРАВИЛЬНЫЙ ответ | добавить объяснение
6.Вставьте пропущенные местоимения: '(...) am asking you frankly: do (...) think he did it?' Thomas Royde waited for a minute before(...) answered. 'I don't see why you ask me. It's not my business. It's yours. I should say myself - very unlikely.' узнать ПРАВИЛЬНЫЙ ответ | добавить объяснение
7.Вставьте пропущенные местоимения: 'Can you think of anyone who seems to you more likely?' 'The only person I think likely can't possibly have done it.' 'And who is that?' 'I couldn't possibly say. It's only my private opinion.' 'It is(...) duty to help the police.' '(...) isn't a fact. Just an idea.' узнать ПРАВИЛЬНЫЙ ответ | добавить объяснение
8.Вставьте пропущенные местоимения: 'Can you think of anyone who seems to you more likely?' 'The only person I think likely can't possibly have done it.' 'And who is that?' 'I couldn't possibly say. It's only my private opinion.' 'It is(...) duty to help the police.' '(...) isn't a fact. Just an idea.' узнать ПРАВИЛЬНЫЙ ответ | добавить объяснение
9.Вставьте пропущенные местоимения: 'Can you think of anyone who seems to you more likely?' 'The only person I think likely can't possibly have done it.' 'And who is(...)?' 'I couldn't possibly say. It's only(...) private opinion.' 'It is your duty to help the police.' 'This isn't a fact. Just an idea.' узнать ПРАВИЛЬНЫЙ ответ | добавить объяснение
10.Вставьте пропущенные местоимения: 'Can you think of anyone who seems to you more likely?' 'The only person I think likely can't possibly have done it.' 'And who is(...)?' 'I couldn't possibly say. It's only(...) private opinion.' 'It is your duty to help the police.' 'This isn't a fact. Just an idea.' узнать ПРАВИЛЬНЫЙ ответ | добавить объяснение
11.Вставьте пропущенные местоимения: 'Can you think of(...) who seems to you more likely?' 'The only person(...) think likely can't possibly have done(...).' 'And who is that?' 'I couldn't possibly say. It's only my private opinion.' 'It is your duty to help the police.' 'This isn't a fact. Just an idea.' узнать ПРАВИЛЬНЫЙ ответ | добавить объяснение
12.Вставьте пропущенные местоимения: 'Can you think of(...) who seems to you more likely?' 'The only person(...) think likely can't possibly have done(...).' 'And who is that?' 'I couldn't possibly say. It's only my private opinion.' 'It is your duty to help the police.' 'This isn't a fact. Just an idea.' узнать ПРАВИЛЬНЫЙ ответ | добавить объяснение
13.Вставьте пропущенные местоимения: 'How well did you know the second Mrs. Strange?' 'I met her here for the first time.' Inspector Battle played his last card. 'You may know, Mr. Royde, that we have found her fingerprints on the weapon. And we've found blood on the coat she were last night.' (...) paused. Royde nodded. 'He was telling(...).' He muttered. узнать ПРАВИЛЬНЫЙ ответ | добавить объяснение
14.Вставьте пропущенные местоимения: 'How well did you know the second Mrs. Strange?' 'I met her here for the first time.' Inspector Battle played his last card. 'You may know, Mr. Royde, that we have found her fingerprints on the weapon. And we've found blood on the coat she were last night.' (...) paused. Royde nodded. 'He was telling(...).' He muttered. узнать ПРАВИЛЬНЫЙ ответ | добавить объяснение
15.Вставьте пропущенные местоимения: 'How well did you know the second Mrs. Strange?' 'I met her here for the first time.' Inspector Battle played his last card. 'You may know, Mr. Royde, that(...) have found(...) fingerprints on the weapon. And we've found blood on the coat she were last night.' He paused. Royde nodded. 'He was telling us.' He muttered. узнать ПРАВИЛЬНЫЙ ответ | добавить объяснение
16.Вставьте пропущенные местоимения: 'How well did you know the second Mrs. Strange?' 'I met her here for the first time.' Inspector Battle played his last card. 'You may know, Mr. Royde, that(...) have found(...) fingerprints on the weapon. And we've found blood on the coat she were last night.' He paused. Royde nodded. 'He was telling us.' He muttered. узнать ПРАВИЛЬНЫЙ ответ | добавить объяснение
17.Вставьте пропущенные местоимения: 'How well did you know the second Mrs. Strange?' 'I met her here for the first time.' Inspector Battle played(...) last card. 'You may know, Mr. Royde, that we have found her fingerprints on the weapon. And we've found blood on the coat(...) were last night.' He paused. Royde nodded. 'He was telling us.' He muttered. узнать ПРАВИЛЬНЫЙ ответ | добавить объяснение
18.Вставьте пропущенные местоимения: 'How well did you know the second Mrs. Strange?' 'I met her here for the first time.' Inspector Battle played(...) last card. 'You may know, Mr. Royde, that we have found her fingerprints on the weapon. And we've found blood on the coat(...) were last night.' He paused. Royde nodded. 'He was telling us.' He muttered. узнать ПРАВИЛЬНЫЙ ответ | добавить объяснение
19.Вставьте пропущенные местоимения: 'I am asking you frankly: do you think he did it?' Thomas Royde waited for a minute before he answered. 'I don't see why you ask me. It's not my business. It's(...). I should say(...) - very unlikely.' узнать ПРАВИЛЬНЫЙ ответ | добавить объяснение
20.Вставьте пропущенные местоимения: 'I am asking you frankly: do you think he did it?' Thomas Royde waited for a minute before he answered. 'I don't see why you ask me. It's not my business. It's(...). I should say(...) - very unlikely.' узнать ПРАВИЛЬНЫЙ ответ | добавить объяснение

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